Nonlinear inversion res2dinv
Nonlinear inversion res2dinv

Cole, 1941, Dispersion and absorption in dielectrics, Part I: Alternating current fields: Journal of Chemical Physics, 9, 341–353, doi: 10.1063/1.1750906. GPYSA7 0016-8033 Abstract Web of Science Google Scholar Socco, 2014, Joint inversion of Rayleigh-wave dispersion and P-wave refraction data for laterally varying models: Geophysics, 79, no. 4, EN49–EN59, doi: 10.1190/geo2013-0212.1. GPPRAR 0016-8025 Crossref Web of Science Google Scholar Socco, 2010, Retrieving lateral variations from surface wave dispersion curves: Geophysical Prospecting, 58, 977–996, doi: 10.1111/j. GJINEA 0956-540X Crossref Web of Science Google Scholar Sacchi, 2002, Simulated annealing inversion of multimode Rayleigh wave dispersion curves for geological structure: Geophysical Journal International, 151, 622–631, doi: 10.1046/j.

nonlinear inversion res2dinv

Christiansen, 2004, Layered and laterally constrained 2D inversion of resistivity data: Geophysics, 69, 752–761, doi: 10.1190/1.1759461. Thurber, 2005, Parameter estimation and inverse problems: Elsevier/Academic Press. The synthetic and field examples provided results in agreement with the true model and the existing geologic information, respectively. The inversion algorithm was tested on synthetic data and then applied to a field case, where benchmark borehole data were available. No physical link was imposed between the resistivity and the seismic velocities. The three data sets were jointly inverted imposing the same structure and Poisson’s ratio was introduced as a physical link between P- and S-wave velocities to better constrain the inversion. A collection of 1D layered models was obtained by a deterministic joint-inversion algorithm based on the laterally constrained inversion scheme. Dispersion curves of surface waves, P-wave traveltimes, and apparent-resistivity data were jointly inverted to obtain internally consistent and more reliable final model of P- and S-wave velocities and resistivity. However, the solution nonuniqueness and the intrinsic limitations of these methods can cause inconsistency in the final results. Methods based on the seismic P-wave, seismic surface wave, and apparent resistivity are commonly used in the solution of several near-surface problems.

Nonlinear inversion res2dinv